Judging Waterfowl
Waterfowl Assessments 2024
1st Assessment for 2024 will be at Alexandra Young Bird Waterfowl Feature Show 5th May 2024
The VWA Inc encourages breeders and exhibitors with an interest in judging to apply in writing to our Secretary for assessment for inclusion on our provisional waterfowl judges panel. Each year, at nominated shows along with our young bird show, the VWA Inc conducts provisional judging days for applicants. During the day you will be asked to judge at least 4 breeds under normal judging conditions and discuss what you are looking for and your results. You will be assessed on your presentation, your handling of the birds and your reasoning for how you place the birds. You will then sit a multiple choice exam on at least 4 breeds, all questions are taken directly fro the current edition of the Australian Poultry Standards. Once both these assessments are completed, the assessor will submit their recommendations to the VWA Inc Committee, to then be recommended to the VPFA (Victorian Poultry Fanciers Association) Board Of Directors.
To then progress to the VWA INc's open judges panel, the provisional judge must successfully complete at 4 judging appointments at poultry standard shows and once completed, submit in writing to the VWA Inc Secretary an application to progress to the open judges panel. Again open panel judges will be asked to make comment on at least one of these shows on the presentation, handling and reasoning of decisions made on the day. Victorian Poultry Fanciers Association (VPFA) has delegated authority to conduct waterfowl assessments to the VWA Inc. At both stages the VWA Inc submits its recommendations to the VPFA. This means that once the successful individual has applied to the VPFA they will be included on the equivalent VPFA judges panel. The VWA Inc also encourages our junior members to complete our judging assessment to enable them to apply to the VPFA for bird day and internal club judging positions throughout the year. For further enquires please conduct the Secretary or VWA Inc Committee members. |